Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Powergen/E.ON is clearly still in the micro CHP game

The rumours of Powergen (the retail energy supply business of E.ON UK plc) deciding to abandon micro CHP are clearly way out of line. At today's Micro CHP summit arranged by Delta Energy, 10% of the delegates were E.ON Group employees. Either they have nothing better to do or they are still actively interested in the technology!

Other good news from the summit is that Microgen may be dead, but Microgen 2 is about to emerge phoenix-like from the ashes and, as rumours abound, there are more micro CHP players out there than you can shake a stick at. Fuel cells, Rankine engines, Stirling engines and IC engines all have contenders, leading towards the ideal scenario where there is a product suitable for every part of the market.

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