Thursday, 1 February 2007

Great news for Ceramic Fuel Cells

Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited (CFCL) seem to be making great progress, not only with their technology, but also with partnerships with various energy companies (seen as a key route to market) and boiler manufacturers. Deals have just been announced in France and Germany; other key markets would be UK and Netherlands.

CFCL were initially set up in Australia to develop utility scale SOFC products, but have recently moved into the domestic CHP market and have set up a base in the UK.

CFCL have supplied demonstration versions of their Netgen micro CHP package to energy utilities in Australia, New Zealand, Germany and France.

A number of potential configurations are possible although it is likely that the requirement to operate continuously may mean that it will operate to meet baseload thermal demand with a supplementary burner to meet variable heat requirements.

Its ability to internally reform fuel supplied at normal pressures minimises parasitic losses and makes this potentially one of the most efficient micro CHP units of all in electrical terms.

For more information on micro CHP and fuel cells click here.

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