Wednesday, 21 February 2007

10,000 micro CHP units in Netherlands

Popular opinion has always assumed that the UK, Netherlands and Germany would be the major markets for micro CHP. Until now, Germany has led the way in mini-CHP with thousands of Senertec Dachs units installed over the past few years. But those were not micro CHP units as they are not really suitable for individual homes. Then it was the UK with Powergen luanching the Whispergen in 2004. Since then Powergen have been very cautious in their roll out with only a few hundred units installed, waiting perhaps until the regulatory and infrastructure mess sorted itself out.

Now the Dutch seem to be leaping headlong into the fray with an announcement by their three major utilities (Essent, NUON, Eneco) that they intend to install 10,000 micro CHP units by 2009. As the only product really available in Netherlands today is the WhisperGen 1kWe unit, this looks like more good news for them.

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