But, and this is the interesting bit, the electrical efficiency of the production unit (i.e. not in a lab or in perfect conditions) is almost 60%, running on natural gas, so taking reformation to hydrogen and other parasitics into account. At the opening event, one incredulous senior representative of one of Germany's energy companies, on seeing the dial at 56.5% exclaimed: "I can hardly believe it; that is better than any of our gas turbine plants...even ignoring the transmission loses between the power station and the user!"
Brendan Dow (CEO of CFCL) was almost apologetic: "That must be a Friday afternoon model; the others seem to get at least 60%" And just in case you suspect he is overstating his case, if you follow the link to the Bluegen press release, you will notice the display for the unit there at 60.2%!
I suspect the days of CCGT are numbered!
Too much misinformation or blinded by false hope?
Modern CCGT get 60%
I think you will find that is 60% LCV, because the power engineers ignore the potential which can be recovered from latent heat if you go for CHP rather than just electricity. HCV is nearer 50%.
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